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Commercial lawyer specialising in national and international contracts (drafting, negotiation, analysis and interpretation of business contracts) and corporate law (incorporation of companies; reform and updating of articles of association and internal regulations; increase and reduction of share capital; analysis of legal issues related to the transferability of shares, partnership interests or quotas; agreements between partners; legal issues related to the composition and election of administrative and management bodies; participation in business restructuring processes – mergers, spin-offs, global transfers of assets and liabilities -, etc.).
Prior to joining BROSETA, he worked in the commercial law department of Garrigues for eight years, and also worked for the firm in the Santiago de Chile office for part of that period.
Considered one of the most outstanding young lawyers in Spain (Best Lawyers Ones to Watch 2022) by the international publication Best Lawyers.
He is a lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Finance at EDEM, and on the Master’s Degree in Business Legal Consultancy at the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV).
– Graduate in Law, with Extraordinary Degree Award, and in Political Science and Administration from the University of Valencia.