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Francisco Ruiz Risueño
Of Counsel. Departments of Public Law and Litigation Law
Email: fruiz@broseta.comMadrid
Law Degree with Extraordinary Student Award, State Lawyer and member of the Senate in his first term.
Extensive experience as a lawyer in positions of responsibility, having been part of the Councils and the General Secretariat of companies such as Endesa, Quiero Television, CCM Vida and Pensions, and the Argentine firm La Equitativa del Plata and Mapfre, where he also served as vice president.
Teacher at the Instituto de Empresa and author of reference works in his field of research such as “The Contentious-Administrative Process”, from the Aranzadi publishing house; and “Manual of Arbitration”, from the publishing house Tirant lo Blanch, Francisco also exercises his arbitral functions as Secretary and Member of the Government Commission of the Civil and Commercial Court of Arbitration, CIMA.