BROSETA has extensive experience in the field of corporate transactions and operations, particularly in relation to transfers of shares or assets, leveraged transactions, mergers and contracts and corporate law in general.
BROSETA’s M&A team designs innovative and sophisticated solutions in the field of corporate operations, with the objective of contributing to the successful management of the most complex situations to which they are exposed.
Likewise, the Firm habitually advises to investee companies on the vicissitudes related to both their ordinary activity and the processes derived from this activity (refinancing, bankruptcy, corporate operations, restructuring, etc.).
BROSETA has participated in the creation of many of the most renowned Spanish and international funds, and its professionals are therefore used to negotiating with sophisticated and specialised investors (fundamentally European and North American, institutional, funds of funds, pension funds and ERISA investors), and are familiar with their needs, peculiarities and objectives.
The M&A / Private Equity team has highly specialized professionals in the preparation, negotiation and execution of mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, transfer of assets or productive units, joint ventures and structuring of commercial alliances.