The Manuel Broseta Foundation presents its gold medal to Felipe VI

The Manuel Broseta Foundation has presented its gold medal to King Philip VI on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the constitution of this entity created in memory of D.Manuel Broseta Pont, jurist, professor, politician and founder of BROSETA, murdered by ETA in Valencia in 1992.

A delegation of the Foundation’s board, headed, among others, by the President of BROSETA and son of D. Manuel Broseta Pont, Manuel Broseta Dupré, has been received by Felipe VI and presented the medal to the monarch in recognition of the role of the Crown “in the consolidation of democracy in Spain and the unity of the country.”

Felipe VI is the third member of the royal family recognised by the Manuel Broseta Foundation. In 2007 King Juan Carlos received the ‘Convivencia’ Prize that the foundation gave for his contribution to settling democracy in Spain and in 2013 it was given to Queen Sofía for her work in favour of the most disadvantaged.

The Professor Manuel Broseta Foundation was founded in 1992 by public institutions and business entities in the Region of Valencia following the murder of Professor Broseta. Its aim is to promote the values of democracy, tolerance and dialogue and to keep alive the spirit and the memory of D. Manuel Broseta Pont.
