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Miguel Geijo

Partner. Corporate and Commercial Law




Prior to BROSETA he developed his professional career in law firms such as Rousaud Costas Durán, as director of the Department of Information Technology and Data Protection; Garrigues and Ribalta & Associates.

He is a member of the Committee on Data Protection of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE), Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Association of Spanish Privacy Professionals (APEP) and a member of the Committee on Legal Affairs of ADigital.

Regular author of scholarly articles and publications in the economic press. He has teaching experience at institutions like the CEU and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and participates regularly in specialised meetings.



Degree in Law from the Luis Vives Centre of Higher Education (CEU), majoring in Business Management (1989-1994), and a Master’s Degree in Legal Consulting for Businesses from the Instituto de Empresa (Madrid, 1994-1995).

Specialised in the Law of Information Technology, and is an expert on Data Protection of a Personal nature and privacy, as well as Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical law.

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