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Professor of Criminal Law. University Carlos III of Madrid.
Author of numerous published essays such as Contractual Fraud and Illegal Levies. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2011; The Why and the What of Sentences (critical analysis of the purposes of the penalty). Madrid: Dykinson, 2008; Atypical Tax Evasions. Barcelona: Atelier, 2008; Abuse of the Insider in Public Service. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2006; The error on extenuating circumstances (the error about modifying generic extenuating circumstances of liability and accidental elements of privileged types). Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2003; The Embezzlement of Funds in the Penal Code of 1995. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2001; The Corporate Crime of Unfair Administration (Art. 295 CP). Madrid; Barcelona: Marcial Pons, 1998.
In addition, he has also collaborated on nearly a hundred collective works and has published articles in national and international scientific journals.
Within his role as a researcher, he has participated in various R&D legal research projects financed by the European Union, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Justice and, the Comunidad de Madrid, as well as by private initiative funded by Bank of Santander, Airbus EADS, Santa Bárbara Sistemas, and so on.
Regular lecturer, has participated in thirty conferences, round tables and seminars on the most varied subjects of criminal law and given various lectures on criminal law both at Spanish and foreign Universities.
He has also collaborated in thirty courses, seminars, masters and doctorates, in different Spanish and Foreign Universities.
Member of the law firm of UC3M since 1998, has worked as a lawyer-consultant of UC3M in Oliva-Ayala Lawyers (2006-2013) and currently combines his teaching and research work with heading the BROSETA White Collar Crime Law Area.